Bull Run Unitarian Universalists (BRUU) is a safe community for seeking & service, located in Old Town Manassas, Virginia. We are the only Unitarian Universalist (UU) congregation in Manassas/Manassas Park/Prince William County.

Our membership reflects a wide range of theological views from liberal Christianity to Humanism – check out the Beliefs and Principles in Unitarian Universalism. The diversity enlivens and enhances each member’s search for truth and meaning, strengthening our commonly held values of justice, equality, and compassion through an open democratic process.

If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.

We are an active church with an informal style. Each of our services is unique. To experience our diversity of thought and action, you might want to attend several services.  We are currently a lay-led congregation without a regular minister, but we invite ministers to serve as guest speakers regularly.

Outside of Sunday mornings, we have a multitude of activities – monthly outdoor hikes, a Zoom-based book club, social gatherings (including Young Adults, a Society of Audacious Silver Sisters on the other end of the age spectrum, and ther grups in-between), First Friday gatherings where we roast marshmallows in the courtyard, volleyball on Monday nights in the summer, and many social justice events in which BRUUers are engaged.

We are a Welcoming Congregation, inclusive of many perspectives. We welcome your visit and hope you will find in us the spiritual opportunity for which you’ve been looking.

BRUU sits on land occupied by many other peoples over the last 15-20,000 years, including Moyumpse/Dogue/Tauxenent, Manahoac and Monacan groups around the time English colonists arrived.

Our structure celebrates its 100th year anniversary in 2026 – check out the building history.

View of the BRUU building from the intersection of Main Street and Church Street