BRUU’s monthly magazine, Crossroads, offers an intersection of activities and ideas.  It advertises upcoming events in our very active community, helping everyone stay connected.  In addition, Crossroads includes monthly columns from BRUU’s leaders, with commentary intended to stimulate, challenge, and provide comfort to our community.

You can subscribe to the Crossroads newsletter and have it delivered right to your electronic mailbox. (Need to resubscribe?  There’s a form to fill out.)

Recent Issues


Each week, there’s news to share.  There’s lots happening at BRUU, all the time; we are an active and engaged community.

To spread the news in addition to personal communications (“word of mouth” works only so well…), we rely upon several tools:
– weekly RoundUp e-mail message
– weekly announcements in the Order of Service distributed on Sunday mornings
– monthly Crossroads magazine (see above)
BRUU calendar (with a more-detailed members-only calendar listing additional events)

There are also bulletin boards in the Fellowship Hall and in various hallways in the building.  Old messages get terminated with extreme prejudice and new ones get added on a regular basis.

You can check out the next Sunday Service and the archive of past Sunday Services as well.  (Services are hybrid.  If you can’t join us in person in downtown Manassas at the corner of Church and Main streets, send an e-mail to to get the Zoom link.  Use the QR code to get this week’s Order of Service: