Check out the BRUU calendar for all scheduled activities, especially Social Justice events. BRUUers are particularly engaged in Virginians Organized for Interfaith Community Engagement (VOICE) actions, and in multiple local organizations addressing sustainability and conservation.
BRUU is an active community beyond worship services on Sundays; we ain’t boring. There’s lots of music. We have regular (and irregular…) parties, outdoor activities, workshops/classes, song circles/drumming, and interesting off-the-cuff discussions during workdays as we paint and clean. There’s an annual Adult Retreat, week-long “church camp” at SUUSI, a June picnic featuring our own garage band, and lots of family-friendly events.
On Friday nights several times a year, we gather for music, readings and reflection in an Evensong service.
The 2025 Adult Retreat will be November 7-9, 2025. You can sign up online, or use the QR code below.
Monthly Events
Adult Life Enrichment (ALE.) – We explore a wide range of topics at adult “religious education” sessions on the third Monday of the month. (NOTE: schedule shifts around holidays…) Dinner starts at 6:00pm, and sessions last from 7:00-8:30ish.
Monday Volleyball – During the Summer (weather permitting), we gather on Monday evenings for friendly and energetic volleyball at a member’s home in Manassas. Potluck follows the game.
First Fridays – 6:00-8:00pm on (you guessed it…) First Friday of the month between April-December. Stop by and visit at the front door of BRUU on the corner of Church and Main streets between 6:00-7:00pm (look for the bubbles!) to mingle/schmooze/chat before enjoying the restaurants and special First Friday entertainment in Downtown Manassas Around 7:00pm, we roast marshmalllows and make S’mores. (Portable fire pits are really useful…)
Younger Adults MeetUp – 11:30am on the Second Sunday of every month.
Second Sunday Hikes – 1:00-3:00pm on the Second Sunday of every month. The organizations which created the Greater Prince William Trails Coalition offer a hike to explore different places in Prince William, Manassas, and Manassas Park. BRUU’s Green Team is a member of the Coalition.
Grief Group – Our BRUU non-denominational Grief and Support Group is a welcoming and inclusive environment for individuals navigating loss, mental health challenges, parenting struggles, or difficult situations in their lives. It includes workshop topic for discussion provided by the facilitator and then an open dialogue to share any personal struggles or successes.
Prince William PFLAG Meeting – 7:30pm on Third Tuesday of each month. The mission of PFLAG is to create a caring, just, and affirming world for LGBTQ+ people and those who love them.
Emergency Food Pantry – 9:30-11:30am on second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. BRUU’s food pantry is available to any person who needs food.
First Thursday BRUU Sangha – 7:00-8:30pm first Thursday of each month, with teacher. Contact for more details.
BRUU Sangha Meditation Practice – 7:00-8:00pm every other Thursday night. Contact for more details.
Society of Audacious Silver-haired Sisters (SASS) – third Tuesday each month. Meet at noon to “do lunch” at a local eatery, or join the 1:30pm meeting held in the BRUU Flamingo Lounge. No age restriction for joining the group. Contact for more details.
BRUUers also gather and “create community” at the Harris Pavilion in Manassas during the Summer for various music and programs here. Look for us on the west side (near Grant Avenue).