What to wear
BRUU meetings, including Sunday services, have a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Most people dress casually, without coats and ties or fancy dresses. Of course, Unitarian Universalists are individual thinkers. There is not a “professional” dress code, and don’t be surprised to see a full range of styles at any gathering.
On any given Sunday you may find slacks, kilts, suits, jeans, and sundresses in the sanctuary. In the summer, there may be some people in shorts and sandals – while others could be dressed up as if attending a wedding. Yes, you’ll see people wearing fancy hats, as well as an occasional ballplayer’s cap. Some people wear an American flag lapel pin, or a button advertising their favorite cause, or even a Bluetooth receiver in their ear. (We silence all electronic devices during Sunday Services, except for doctors on call who leave theirs on “vibrate.”)
On Zoom or in person, our choices are equally diverse.
One standard item – those who attend regularly get BRUU name tags, and we wear them. We invite guests to wear a name tag too, highlighting the first name. That way, in a conversation after the service, everyone will know who’s talking. People are individuals at BRUU; no two are alike. We encourage people to express their own perceptions in discussions, and to dress in whatever manner they find comfortable.
BRUU is an interactive group where people share ideas. There’s Fellowship Hour afterwards, plus many opportunities to get together for various events during the week. It’s not what we wear during our time together that matters. We get together because we have unique thoughts and feelings to share, because we seek to learn together, and because we enjoy having company on our personal journeys.